The trouble started when I decided I wanted to make it in a ring-binder so I could replace the inserts and use it over again. Why such trouble? Well, finding the right size binder (or a small binder in general) proved to be a hefty task, at least in searching for an affordable one that I wouldn't feel guilty about destroying (always a possibility when I try to get crafty).
Anyway, I started by tracing the calendar portion from my existing planner, then copying it to card stock.

Next, I cut the pages down to the "right size" (I had to redo this.)

Here's the "right size."

I spent an entire day looking for a 1/8" hole puncher, and of course every store was out. Apparently everyone and their mother needed an 1/8" hold punch on this particular day. I bought a random hole punch and it was EXACTLY the same size as the rings, which means that the paper is a little tight in the binder. Then, I covered the binder with this awesome scrapbook paper I bought at the craft store. I attached it on the spine and covers using double-sided tape. (Best. Invention. Ever.)
Here's the finished product. (Outside view)

(Inside view).

So there you have it. Now you know how to make your own planner. You also know that I have a Gyno appointment on the 31st, which I'm sure is information you couldn't do without.
I have to say, though, the best part of my planner is that now I get to try on these sweet mustaches everyday.

(Disclaimer: I'm neither related to Hitler nor Charlie Chaplin, so don't even ask.)
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