Well, as you can see, it's gotten a little beat up over the year, not to mention getting close to running out of months, so I decided it was time to refill it. And while I was at it, I gave it a little makeover, too.

I had a stroke of genius this time. One of my problems the first time around was that the paper didn't always lay flat, even with the use of excessive double-sided tape. This time, I purchased full sheet mailing labels and printed a pattern into what basically came out as a full sheet sticker.
Word to the wise: the 8.5x11 sheet was just slightly too small, so I ended up using two different full sheet patterns. Next time, I think I'll cut some contact paper into 11x17 and take it to Kinkos to print.
Anyway, even with the two different patterns, I think it turned out really nice.
I also bought these little alphabet stamps in the dollar section at Target and personalized my planner with my name.
And, if you want a little gloss, you can throw on a coat of Mod Podge (one of my favorite things ever).
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